Dilbert 2.17 Ethics [SmartMovie]

- Ethics -

Because they've come under scrutiny for unethical business practices, the company sends the employees for mandatory ethics training. Of course, the major ethics violators, management doesn't have to attend. Instead they are out deciding who is going to get the next major contract. The Pointy-Haired Boss agrees to take the "Internet Voting Network" contract and Dilbert is made the project lead. Of course such a voting system could easily be violated, so when the special interests groups find out that Dilbert can't be bought with money, they hire an alternative that just might work, a woman. Dilbert faces the ethical dilemma of selling out his integrity for the chance that he might get together with a real woman. Searching for an ethical answer to this dilemma, Dilbert (via the Garbage Man) consults Ben Franklin. He sticks to his principals and the election is held, although some kid hackers get Harry Ass McGee on the ballot. The results of the election are meaningless anyway, as the Secret Ruling Class (of which Dogbert and Ben Franklin are members) still decide the result of the election.
